Aura Weekly Newsletter #37: Style Awareness - Have you got it?

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Hello, Hello!

This several of my clients have shared with me that their “aha” moments come for our conversations about their style, rather than purchases they make.

It’s why I kick start all of our Aura Styling Services with a Style Consultation where we unpack where you are in your style journey, what unconscious biases you may have and define your style goals.

It is a pivotal step in your personal style journey as it builds your style awareness. It gives you permission to start thinking about your personal style and how you want to feel when you get dressed everyday.

Fashion isn’t frivolous. It’s a powerful way to express yourself and present the woman you are, and want to be, to the world.

If you’ve ever felt silly getting dressed up or decided not to wear an outfit because you didn’t want others to feel underdressed, don’t. More often than not, when we own our personal style and celebrate who we are through our clothes we give others permission to do the same.

The knock on effect of celebrating you and your style is inspiring, not diminishing, to others. x


Style awareness is an understanding of your personal style, shopping habits and unconscious biases. It is an appreciation of why you dress the way you dress and shop the way you shop. These decisions can reveal a lot about your relationship with clothes and, more importantly, yourself.

Much like self-awareness, some people have style awareness and some don’t.

It is a skill that can be learned.

It is a powerful step in making positive change and taking control of your personal style.

You gain style awareness by:

  1. reflecting on where you are in your personal style journey and where you want to go;

  2. gaining an understanding on how to dress for your body;

  3. unpacking your unconscious biases which are holding you back. We wrote about unconscious biases in newsletter #11 which you can read here;

  4. thinking critically about your wardrobe, shopping habits and outfit choices; and

  5. giving yourself permission take your personal style seriously.

Building style awareness is akin to building muscle strength. The more you work at it, the stronger you become.

It requires you to be honest with yourself about where you are in your journey, why you may be holding yourself back or, perhaps, whether you’re shopping a little too much.

You may be able to easily discern that an item will work for you, align with your style goals and fit seamlessly into your wardrobe. That does’t mean you need to own it. Less is more: less overwhelm, more clarity. Less buying new, more wearing what you have.

Style awareness is a concept that is constantly asking both psychological and practical questions: do I find myself online shopping every time I’ve had a tough day? vs Does this really fill a gap in my wardrobe and align with my style goals? Style is as emotional as it is practical.

Once you assess where you are in your style journey, unpack your unconscious biases and starting thinking critically about the clothes you own and the purchases you make, you’ll find getting dressed to be a much more enjoyable experience.

You’ll start spending less and wearing more of what you already own.

Your wardrobe will be something that excites you, rather than overwhelms you.

Whether you’re navigating a new, postpartum body, finding your feet in a new role or simply wanting to feel like your best dressed self, taking control of your personal style by becoming more style aware is one way to gain clarity on where you are and where you want to be.

[If you need help identifying your personal style and building a wardrobe that allows you to get dressed with ease and confidence, reach out! I’d love to help]



“If love costs and art takes, what price do we pay for wanting it all? The Work is about the biggest intersections of life: of art and commerce, of intimacy and distance, of talent and entitlement, and of labour and privilege.”

#1 WE’RE READING - The Work by Bri Lee

The Work by Bri Lee is an exploration of wealth, power, privilege, class, art and long-distance love.

Lally is a New York Gallery owner who has risked everything to see Gallery Lally succeed in championing up and coming artists.

Pat is a scholarship student, desperate to establish himself in Sydney’s antiquities scene and join the ranks of the upwardly mobile.

The two meet at New York’s Armoury show and so begins the delicate dance of priorities: career, love, friendship and family.

A raunchy, thought providing novel we borrowed from our local library.

What comes to mind when you think of Amber Heard? Crazy? Victim? Survivor? Narcissist?…

What if Amber Heard was actually the victim of an organised trolling campaign?”

This six-part, podcast series is as riveting as it is shocking.

Each 30 minute episode is more eye opening than the next.

Well researched and well-told, everyone needs to listen to this and re-evaluate how they use and engage with social media.

#3 WE’RE WATCHING - Nashville on STAN

Season 1 was released in 2012, so we are diving into the archives with this one! Thank you, Jackie, for the recommendation.

Nashville follows the lives of Country music superstars, Rayna Jaymes and Juliette Barnes, and the group of aspiring musician that help them achieve their success.

This show has something for everyone, tackling substance abuse, learning to love yourself, affairs, marriage, relationships, ambition, career, motherhood… it is as scandalous as it is wholesome.

We particularly like that the music is original (even if it is corny).

With 6 seasons available to stream, you can join us in binge watching til your hearts’ content.


Enliven is our Virtual Styling Package.


  • Style Consultation (45 mins - 1 Hour) where we discuss your style goals and determine your style categories;

  • Virtual Wardrobe Cleanse (2 hours) where we put together new outfit combinations with pieces you love or don't know how to style, remove items from you wardrobe that are taking up valuable space, and re-organise your wardrobe; 

  • Virtual Shopping Guide;

  • Personalised Lookbook; 

  • 1 week 1:1 support via phone/email. 


Also known as the Canadian tuxedo, double denim can be quite the polarising combination.

Matching sets continue to dominate this Autumn/Winter and this trend has extended to include matching denim pieces, particularly in a dark wash.

You don’t need to rush out an buy a matching denim set - instead style your similar wash denim pieces together for a perfectly stylish, trans-seasonal out. To nail the look pair lighter washes with light and dark with dark.

Whether paired with ballet flats, kitten heels or sneakers, a double denim look is an easy, stylish weekend outfit.

Share your looks with us by replying to this email or tagging us on Instagram.

Feeling a little uninspired by your wardrobe? Get in touch!


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